A Sarasota love story
On February 27, 2023, Belva and Nick will gather with family and friends to renew their vows to celebrate a love story that has flourished in the face of sickness and struggle.
In 2012, Belva started experiencing some pain in a lump in her breast. Sheโd had the lump checked out previously and was always told that it was nothing to worry about. Sadly, however, a mammogram and biopsy revealed otherwise. She was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and was thrilled when she was able to achieve remission. This past October, however, Belva went to the hospital with intense pain. While she initially thought it was a kidney stone, tests revealed the worst. The cancer had spread to her lungs and bones. She is actively receiving treatment and is trying to remain joyful and positive, despite constant fatigue and side effects.
An Indy Love Story
On March 5, 2023, Patrick and Kendra will join with family and friends to renew their vows after 10 years of marriage.
In January of 2020, Patrick started to have some trouble swallowing and was struggling with food getting caught in his throat. He went to see his doctor and was given a routine endoscopy. Sadly, the test revealed a large cancerous mass in Patrickโs esophagus.
We fell for this lovely couple from the minute we met them and canโt wait to bring their wish to life. We enlisted the help of an incredible planner in Michaela Markley of Christine & Co. and are delighted with the amazing group of wish granters that she has enlisted to help.
A Dayton Wish
On February 20, 2022, Demeshia (Demi) and Tim gathered with loved ones to renew their vows at the gorgeous Dayton Art Institute.
Demiโs health issues began when she was just 19 years old. A mysterious dark circle appeared on her arm and while her doctor initially didnโt think it was anything to be concerned about, later testing revealed that it was systemic scleroderma. Overtime, Demiโs scleroderma has advanced considerably and has resulted in continued complications, including the amputation of five fingers and one toe, as well as hypertension and blood pressure issues.
We loved granting this wish for Demi and Tim and were so incredibly thankful for the hard work of our amazing team, led by Fallon of Blank Canvas Weddings.
A socal wish
On February 17, 2022, Sara and Felix gathered with loved ones to renew their vows on a beautiful, sun-soaked, southern California day.
In December of 2018, Sara started experiencing some concerning stomach issues. After multiple trips to the doctors and numerous tests, she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to her liver and her abdomen.
Sara has endured more in the past few years than any young, vibrant person should. Despite painful surgeries, difficult treatments and brutal side effects, Sara has not lost her spark for life and her love for Felix has only deepened.
We were honored to grant this wish for Sara and Felix and were humbled by the outpouring of love from our incredible team.
an lA wish come true
On November 10, 2022, Anastasia and Barbara gathered at Seventh Place in downtown Los Angeles to renew their vows in front of dear friends and family.
In June of 2020, Anastasia began having some concerning issues with her breast. She underwent a series of tests and was sadly diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer. She underwent a mastectomy and was hopeful for a full recovery. A few months later, however, she started experiencing pain in her hip. After numerous scans and tests, she was told that her cancer had metastasized to her bones and liver. She is actively receiving treatment and is trying to remain hopeful, despite the very difficult side effects that she is experiencing.
We loved meeting these beautiful women and were honored to help them renew their vows.
A New Jersey Love story
On January 29, 2023, Peggy and Ferdinand will stand before their closest friends and family to join their lives in marriage and to celebrate a 30-year journey to the altar.
Peggy and Ferdinand first met in high school at a graduation party. Although Peggy arrived at the party with a date, Ferdinand took notice and struck up a conversation with her. Little did they know that the conversation would begin an unexpected love story that would span 3 decades.
A year ago, Peggy and Ferdinand were sick with covid. While Peggy recovered, Ferdinandโs cough lingered and seemed to be worsening. After multiple trips to the ER and numerous scans, Ferdinand was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer that had spread to his lymph nodes and bones.
A DC Love Story
On January 15, 2023, Erika and Wendell will gather with loved ones at the beautiful Lorian Hotel in Alexandria, VA to renew their vows after 25 years of marriage.
In July of 2018, Erica woke up with terrible stomach pains. She had always dealt with stomach issues, so she didnโt think much of it. She was under 50 and wasnโt a candidate for annual colonoscopies yet. Eventually, the pain became too much to bear, and she was referred to a gastric doctor. She had a CT scan which revealed a blockage and a tumor. She was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. She underwent surgery and 9 difficult months of chemotherapy. Sadly, this past year her cancer spread. She is currently undergoing more treatment in hopes of slowing the spread of her disease.
A Southern Utah Wish
On February 2, 2022, Kari and Aaron gathered with their loved ones at The Springs Weddings and Events to renew their vows and to celebrate their beautiful love story.
Kari and Aaron first met on blind date in college. They spent the evening talking, listening to music and dancing. That night, Kari told her mom that she had met the man she would marry.
In 2015, Kari started to notice some changes in her breast. After some time, her breast became engorged, and she went in to get it checked out. Sadly, her mammogram revealed the worst. Kari was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. She underwent an intense chemotherapy regiment, followed by a double mastectomy and the removal of her ovaries and her gallbladder.
Unfortunately, Kariโs cancer continued to progress, and her cancer moved into her bones. She has had numerous surgeries to repair the many bones that have broken in her body because of her cancer and deals with pain and exhaustion daily.
A Tribute to Naomi
On February 27, 2022, Naomi and Matthew gather with loved ones on a gorgeous sunny day at Bethel Rock in Leonard, TX to renew their vows and to celebrate 25 years of marriage.
In December of 2020, however, their lives completely changed. Naomi had been experiencing some troubling digestive issues. She spent the next few months having multiple tests run to determine the cause of her issues. She was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer that had spread to her stomach, lymph nodes and liver. She underwent intense treatment to try to slow the spread of her cancer and fought for two long years. Sadly, Naomi lost her battle with cancer this past week.
A South Florida Love Story
On December 12, 2022, Shelly and Steve will join with dear friends and family to renew their vows and to celebrate a heartbreakingly beautiful love story.
Shelly and Steve first more than 10 years ago. They were both working at the same restaurant when Shelly fell on hard times. She and her children needed to move out of their current living situation and had nowhere to go. While they barely knew each other, Steve offered his home to them for free.
A few months ago, Steve started experiencing some sudden weight loss, coupled with extreme fatigue. He was not acting like his usual spunky self and Shelly started to worry. Before long, he started experiencing frequent vomiting. He went to the emergency room where a cat scan revealed the worst. He was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to his liver, pancreas, and stomach lining.