A Long Island City Wish

On March 21, 2022, Eunice and Ricardo will stand before loved ones to renew their vows and to celebrate a love that has persevered in the face of sickness and loss. 

Eunice and Ricardo met on a dating website before dating websites were a thing. At the time, Eunice, who was only 17 and living in Chicago, began chatting with a young man named Ricardo, who was 22 and living in New York City. Because of their age difference, the two chatted in secret for a year before deciding to meet up in person. Eunice made the trip to NYC and while they were both clearly smitten, they embarked upon a wonderful friendship that lasted for 8 years. Finally, they decided to give dating a try. Eunice ended up moving to New York and they were engaged and married soon after.  Two years later, they welcomed a sweet baby boy.

In 2017, Ricardo began having some issues with his stomach. While many of his symptoms could be easily explained away, his condition continued to progress. Eventually, he sought the advice of a doctor. A test revealed that he had a blockage in his bowels. They were able to put a stint in, but an MRI showed a tumor in his pancreas. Sadly, he was given the devasting diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. He underwent an incredibly complicated Whipple surgery and spent many painful weeks trying to recover. He then endured six weeks of aggressive chemotherapy and has struggled with intense side effects.

This last year, his cancer sadly progressed to his lungs. Ricardo is actively on chemotherapy and is fighting as hard as he can for his sweet family. In addition to his cancer diagnosis, Ricardo’s mom passed away on the day that he was discharged from the hospital in 2018 and his dad sadly died of pancreatic cancer this last year. 

Despite the overwhelming pain and suffering that Eunice and Ricardo have experienced in the last four years, their love remains as strong as ever. We fell for this beautiful couple and are honored to help them renew their vows. We found an incredible planner in Christine Viola and are thrilled with the outstanding team that she has brought on board. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Planner: Christine Viola, EAP Weddings

Venue: The Foundry

Catering: Cebu

Photography: Tay Brauer Photography

Videography: First Day Films

Floral: Melarosa

DJ: Expressway Music

Cake: City Sweets Confections

Hair: Bohemian Rose Hair Salon

Makeup: Stacie Ford Beauty Co.

Stationery: Type & Love Paperie

Rentals: Smith Party Rentals

Lighting and Sound: Universal Light and Sound

Linens: Nuage Designs

Gown: David’s Bridal

Men’s attire: Generation Tux


A Tribute to Mandy


A Chicago Love Story