Love Story Lacey Eldersveld Love Story Lacey Eldersveld

A Sarasota Love Story

On November 13, 2022, Lorrie and Tom will stand before loved ones to renew their vows after 21 years of marriage.

In September of 2021, Lorrie and Tom left their son for the first time to go away to St. Petersburg to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. On the way to their trip, Tom had a headache and started driving erratically. He ended up going to an urgent care and was told that he had a migraine. By the end of the weekend, however, his headache was unbearable. His face had started drooping and he was slurring his speech. Lorrie took Tom to the ER where it was discovered that he had a brain tumor. He underwent emergency brain surgery, followed by chemotherapy and radiation.

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