Love Story Lacey Eldersveld Love Story Lacey Eldersveld

An Orlando Love Story

Erik and Denise first met at a concert through Erik’s best friend. While at the concert, they flirted and bonded over their mutual love of music. Soon, the couple started dating and quickly fell in love. Three years into their dating relationship, they found out that they were expecting a child. They were married in a small, intimate ceremony and nine months later, welcomed their daughter into the world. Throughout their 25-year marriage, Denise and Erik have weathered a lot of storms, including layoffs, sick parents, moves and new beginnings. Throughout them all, however, their love for one another has only grown. 

 A couple of years ago, Denise had an accidental fall in her kitchen, which resulted in a collapsed lung and five days in the hospital. After recovering from her fall, she continued to feel lousy and often experienced pain and fatigue. Finally, she decided to have her lungs scanned again to assess whether or not she was healed. Much to her dismay, the scan revealed a large amount of spots on her good lung. Further testing revealed the worst. She was diagnosed with lung cancer. She underwent a rigorous chemotherapy and radiation treatment plan and is now doing immunotherapy. Denise and Erik are trying to maintain a positive attitude and are taking life one day at a time. 

Wish Upon a Wedding has loved getting to know this music loving, super sweet couple and cannot wait to grant their wish for a vow renewal.

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